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![]() Everything2000 Millenni-moms California Arcadia ---Elodia Flores Bakersfield
---Stacy Bakos
---Jade Conrad Burbank
---Virginia Sobol
---Jennifer Silvis Del Mar
---DT Sander Dove Canyon
---Debbie Hubaud-Bukosky She tells us, "believe it or not my husband and I were not even trying for a millennium baby. We were trying to conceive since January and it did not happen until April. I went to the Dr. on Friday April 30 and he ask me what day was my last period and I told him I was able to tell him the actual day the we conceived". She told the doctor that it all happened on April 10, the day after the ideal conception date for a millennial baby. "He checked his chart and told me my due date was on January 1st. 1999. We were both very pleased about the new arrival and it wasn't until a friend of mine told me about the 2000 baby craze" says Debbie. "I think it would be AWESOME to bring in a baby on the new year. The greatest thing about this is that it will be my 3rd child and my other 2 son's were born on there exact due date. Now I am just praying for another healthy child and if it happens on New Year's, even better." Fresno
---Stacey Glendale
---Dianah Wasskily La Canada ---Judy Mathews Judy and John Mathews want the world to know they have a good chance at having a Year 2000 baby even though their official due date is December 26, 1999. They met in Spain 10 years ago and have been married for 7 years. John is 30 years old and Judy is 33 and this will be their first baby. Judy says, "we did not plan on a y2k baby... it just happened. We are extremely excited about this baby." Regarding a Year 2000 birth, Judy says, "it looks like it may happen and we want the whole world to know and celebrate." Novato
---Renee Becker Renee says she is "ecstatic" about her due date, however she is a little concerned about Y2K, and hopes her hospital is compliant. Renee has notified area newspapers and TV stations so she's ready for the publicity that may surround her millennium baby. Oceanside
---Delesia Robinson Pomona
---Jasmine Long Redondo Beach
---Leslie Ponciano Sacramento
---Brenda Bridges However, while I was in the hospital the nurse was inputing my information and when she entered my due date as 01/01/00 the computer showed that I was 5237 weeks pregnant! The system had reverted back to 1900. The immediate solution was to simply enter my due date as 12/31/99. This event had a significant impact on me for obvious reasons. While conducting the Y2K project, many programmers, users and business analysts were (and still are) confident that their systems are compliant. This hospital was confident their systems were compliant. Obviously some terminals and/or programs had not been tested properly or were simply missed. This event, as well as the entire Y2K project, made me much more aware of the potential Y2K disaster. While I am not preparing for the end of the world, I am taking some basic precautions such as buying a battery operated heater, and stocking up on diapers and staples. Other than a slight concern for possible computer glitches, I am concentrating on having a calm, routine delivery and a healthy, happy millennium baby! Great story, thanks for sharing it!!
---Ruby Cristine Sulca San Clemente
----Victoria Maxwell San Diego
---Sabrina Cassidy Her official due date is January 1st but she realizes the chances of delivering on her due date are 5%. Her biggest concern doesn't hinge on the Y2K computer bug interfering on January 1st, but overcrowding. "My biggest concern is the possibility of overcrowding at the hospitals due to all these people who were trying for the millennium baby", says Sabrina. "I'm not really too worried about y2k since women have been giving birth for hundreds of years without electricity and doctors," quips Sabrina. Sabrina and Christopher had been trying to get pregnant for nine months. "We had gone to the doctor to see why nothing has happened. Well lo and behold I found out I was pregnant. I was quite shocked when I heard the due date. I knew that it would be around that time but I never suspected Jan 1st," says Sabrina. "With my first she was induced one day before her due date and was no where ready to come out. So I'm not really sure with this one. Actually I wouldn't mind the tax write off and possibly avoid the mad rush and y2k potential problems", says Sabrina. Like every mom on our list, Sabrina just want's a healthy baby. She says "I'd be thrilled if this baby would be the first baby of the new millennium but am not counting on it. As long as it is healthy that is all that really matters to us."
---Stacey Di Meglio
---Blanca M. Pelayo
---Michelle Ronk San Luis Obispo
----Pamela Peachy "It's real exciting for the both of us" says Pamela. "We were high school sweethearts and have been married 19 years this July and have been trying for the last 10 years to have our first. We never thought it would be so difficult to get pregnant. It will be the first for us and the new millennium." Santa Monica
----Lisa Gorjestani She says the pregnancy was a real surprise and the due date is an amazing coincidence. So what are her chances of the baby being born on January 1? My mother and sister were both early, but I am definitely rooting for a 2000 baby (even if that means January 2!)" says Lisa. "It will be exciting it my baby is actually born on the first, but the most important thing to us is that the baby is happy and healthy" says Lisa. South Gate
---Manuel & Anna Sifuentes Tistin
----Barbara Foster Van Nuys
---Laura Castillo My biggest concern if I due deliver on January 1, 2000 is the overcrowding at the hospital due to all those people that all ready have appointments to deliver on January 1, 2000.� I did not plan on getting pregnant�and actually when the new was taking about the millennium baby and all those people trying to get pregnant just for the money and the publicity�I thought it was kind of silly to get pregnant for that reason.� Even if I am not the luck winner I am grateful be having�a healthy child.� That is some of what I think of the millennium. Vacaville
----Loraine Langley Loraine and Steve live with their six year old daughter Olivia and a puppy named Scooter in Vacaville, California, about 40 miles west of Sacramento. Steve is a manager of a credit union and just graduated with my Masters Degree. Loriane is an Escrow Officer for a Title Company for the past 15 years who plans to stay home and be a full time mom when the baby gets here. Both are 35 and will be married 15 years come September. As for their thoughts about a Y2K baby, Steve says "we just feel very blessed that we are expecting...God is awesome!" As Steve tell us, "to put it bluntly...we aren't very good about getting pregnant. It took us three years to conceive Olivia and we have been trying for the past five to conceive again...to no avail. We have been seeing a fertility specialist for the past several years and started to look at the adoption route." "Loraine was ready to adopt but I wanted to try one more time to conceive our own...so in January, Loraine started the drug Clomid. Our friends from church have been praying for us and when she didn't get pregnant in March, I started joking that God wanted us to have a millennium baby...(because we knew exactly what day in April we could conceive on)..Loraine didn't find me very amusing!" "Anyhow, I was away at a men's retreat with my church and when I got home, Loraine was there holding a paper bag. I asked her what was in the bag and she started to cry and told me there were two pregnancy tests in the bag, that they both came up positive and that she thinks she is pregnant! I asked her if she wanted to take another test..she said yes...we jumped in the car...got another one...and sure enough, it too came up positive." "The doctor confirmed the date (January 1st) and said that everything looked great...we got to see the little heart beating and are thrilled to be having a baby (The doc said that we are the first Y2K pregnancy that she has seen!!)" Ventura
---Carmen V. Martinez Woodland Hills
---Kristina Wescott As for her thoughts of having a millennium baby - for her it's simple - health and happiness. She tells us, "I am bringing a child into this world, to love, to protect, and to nurture. But for the world, this is who/what will start our new millennium. My god! Life would change dramatically. How could life be normal, let alone private?" Her actual due date is January 1st 2000, but she feels the chances of delivering on that date are "slim". Kristina says, "We will never see another born at the turn of a century. The event, historic. How could you possibly leave the hospital not looking your best? After all, won't the world forever be keeping track of the first "Millennium" baby?"
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